I was at this seminar recently and one of the speakers was talking about ways to figure out what you're good at. One way, according to him, is to take note of the first thing you do when you get to work in the morning. Do you check your email, start returning phone calls, cross off items from your to-do list? Supposedly your answer will help you figure out what your natural strengths are.
Using his method, I deduced that my natural strength is brewing strong coffee. I am really good at putting a filter in the machine and filling it with a large amount of coffee grounds before adding water. Brewing coffee is also something I like to do. A hold over from my college years as a barista.
The point of the exercise is to discover what you most enjoy about what you do. But it also made me think about how the things we enjoy are things we are also good at. And that makes sense. We humans have a tendency towards activities that involve pleasure and things that make us feel good over things that make us feel like we are struggling or are inadequate.
For example: something that is not my natural strength: Intermediate hip-hop class.
I went to a hip-hop class on Wednesday with a friend. And to use a cliche hip-hop term, I got served. Hardcore. By some crazy good dancers.
I could tell from the minute I walked in that this was a real dance class. It was like that moment in Bring It On when you realize the cheerleading team is not made up of real high schoolers, but actors who are also professional cheerleaders. However, in this scenario, I am still just a normal high schooler who wanders into cheerleading practice. Now you understand.
It was really hard for me to enjoy this class because 1) I could barely follow the steps, 2) I am not a professional dancer, and 3) I am white. This put me at a great disadvantage.
Some people see this kind of thing as a challenge and would strive to go back and do it again. I, however, am Catholic and therefore am only motivated by shame and guilt. And me dancing at this professional dance class came as close to shame as I've been in a while. What I am motivated to do is a little dance I like to call "Saving Face" and it involves me never seeing anyone from that dance class ever again.
I'm sure the motivation to go back and try it again will kick in at some point, because I really like the idea of hip-hop dance class, but right now my pride is wounded (hence the picture of me looking sad, but wearing a felt hat to invoke the image of dancing).
Until then, watch out coffee drinkers of the world. Cause I can take you. For reals, yo.
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