During a bullfight, there is an area in the ring known as the querencia. It is a spot in the arena that the bull considers its safe haven. Often, during the fight, a bull will try to return to this area and the matador will do all he can to prevent this from happening. A bull who is able to return to his querencia appears to draw a renewed sense of strength from this place and often regains control of the fight. Once a bull succeeds in finding his querencia, he is considered especially dangerous to a matador.
Bullfighting is pretty disturbing. I know it's a super traditional practice, but like foot-binding or live mummification, I don't really get it. So, I betray my species and root for the bull. I want him to win. And watching him reach his querencia is like watching Paul Walker use "NOS" to win a race or watching Neo realize he's the one. As the bull regains his power, you can see him rediscover who he is. Watch the massive muscles and bones work together to make him a ferocious, powerful creature again. I want him to get there every time.
We all have matadors preventing us from reaching our querencia. Toxic individuals in our lives that don't want us to realize how powerful we really are; don't want us to discover our immense value as individuals. So, when you feel that your spirit is drained and your strength is used up, remember that, like Bears fans in Lambeau Field, there are always people on your side, quietly cheering for you - standing with fists clenched, willing you toward your querencia. Whether it's your yoga mat, your desk, or your kitchen. Get there. So that you can again remember what a powerful creature you truly are.
Photography provided by Michael Owsianny www.owsiannyphotography.com
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